We offer a variety of products at our roadside market for your seasonal needs.
Professional Photography
We invite all professional photographers to schedule sessions at Woliung’s Farm. We offer reasonable rates for professional photographers who wish to shoot photographs and/or videos on the farm. Sessions must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance. We are a fairly new farm (third year of planting) so our planted trees are extremely small. We do bring in pre-cut trees that are staged around the property during the Christmas season. These trees still make excellent photo opportunities.
Safety is our first priority. Therefore, we require all photographers to complete and return a safety consent form to Woliung’s Farm before entering the farm. If the form is not complete, the session(s) must be rescheduled to ensure all safety rules are followed. Please email or message Woliung’s Farm on Facebook for inquiries about scheduling, locations, or general questions.
Availability will Differ from Before and After Thanksgiving Day. Weekdays and Weekends – $45 per session (1 hour) or $125 per day.
Calendar Blackout Days: We do not allow any photographers Black Friday Weekend, nor the weekend after (first weekend of December) under any circumstances.
Photography Shed: Our Photography Shed is available to use for Free.
Photography Policies: Sessions must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance. After your information is reviewed, a staff member will reach out to coordinate payment (we take credit, venmo, cash, or check).
Safety is our priority. Therefore, all photographers must complete and return to Woliung’s Farm consent form before entering the Farm. Photographers who fail to submit this form by the start of their session(s) must reschedule.
Parking is available in designated areas. Unfortunately, vehicles are not allowed onto the farm past the parking lot areas.
All visitors must leave the Farm in good condition, cleaning up after pets and disposing of trash and recyclables in the proper bins.
Photography Session Release: I hereby release Woliung’s Farm, it’s staff, and it’s members from any liability for injury that I or my client(s) may sustain during my photography session at Woliung’s Farm. In case of illness or injury occurring on Woliung’s Farm property and in the event that I or my client(s) are unable to respond, I authorize the staff members of Woliung’s Farm to arrange emergency medical treatment or transportation to a hospital for myself and my client(s).